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Advanced Electro Measurement Technology

We contribute to the "Health" of our society by advanced measurement devices & systems.



AEMT lab. contributes to establishing a sustainable society by proposing and developing novel devices and systems based on terahertz systems, high-temperature superconductive SQUID systems, advanced sensor devices, and magnetic measurement systems. These systems enable us to preserve the "health" of human bodies, energy systems, and infrastructures.



Research and Development

At the Laboratory of Advanced Medical Engineering, we contribute to creating a sustainable society by leveraging a variety of cutting-edge measurement technologies, including our own proprietary "Terahertz wave systems," "High-temperature superconducting SQUID systems," "Sensor devices," and "Magnetic measurement systems."

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Every year, we invite top researchers from various fields to hold seminars, and as a leading laboratory in our field, we also host and co-host many academic conferences and symposiums.

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Call for MC/PhD students

We welcome enthusiastic students from a variety of fields!
We believe that there are no disciplinary boundaries in "nature". From that perspective, we welcome students with any background in physics, chemistry, or biology. We are looking for interesting students who want to expand and grow their skills in our research projects.

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Collaborative Research

We aim to develop and commercialize innovative technologies, and are actively promoting collaborative research in various fields. We also promote the shared use of advanced facilities and resources. We look forward to receiving your application.

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Kogakubu 3-Gokan (N32), Tsushima Campus,
Okayama University
3-1-1, Tsushimanaka, Kitaku, Okayama, 700-8530 Japan
〒700-8530 岡山県岡山市北区津島中3ー1ー1 
岡山大学津島キャンパス 工学部3号館(N32)


Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems,  Okayama University, 
3-1-1, Tsushimanaka, Kitaku, Okayama, 700-8530 Japan
〒700-8530 岡山県岡山市北区津島中3ー1ー1 
t: 086 251 8130 (local) / +81 86 251 8130 (int'l)

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